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Day 20

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    Michal Gornicki

😁 I am running my development server. It gives me a better idea of how things work. Apart from discovering stuff and documenting it for the next blog, I noticed two things:

  • I am still adjusting to the remote style of working. In my head, if I am not starting at a particular time and don't sit at the desk for so many hours then I am not working. I guess it will take time to switch after working so many years in that one certain way. I am institutionalized like "Red" or "Brooks" from The Shawshank Redemption(a great movie BTW). I know that it is an exaggeration but it is a bit similar.
  • I am afraid of breaking stuff. Can't understand it 🤷‍♂️. I keep checking things a few times before I try and that slows me down. I should be able to just dive in. I can't break the laptop and if I break the code I can always start over. I think it happens because I don't trust myself programming-wise and I am afraid that if I screw up then I am proving the point that I am just not good at it..🤔

Ah well... Tomorrow is another day. Onwards and upwards 👊 💪.